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Some photos and mementoes from the collection of the late Miss Gwladys Roberts, Isfryn, Glyndyfrdwy who attended the school during the 1930s and left the year WW2 broke out in 1939.
Gwladys later went on to be a teacher at Glyndyfrdwy primary school for many years.

1. Class outside the school (which is now old part of Ysgol Y Berwyn, Bala) Gwladys bottom right.
2. Entitled "Last day of school". Gwladys top of photo.
3. "Good Luck" messages from fellow pupils, a tradition that carries on today.
4. Central Welsh Board German exam paper from July 1939
5 & 6. Hopes dashed, WW2 also killed hopes and aspirations !! Training course at Pitman's College, London cancelled due to impending outbreak of war.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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