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Michael Evans was born in Morriston Hospital in 1985. He lived in Llanelli for the first six months of his life, and then moved to various locations dependent upon his father’s postings in the Royal Navy. After joining a local rugby club that was filled with current and former Naval personnel, he decided to join the Royal Navy, entering Britannia Royal Naval College as a Midshipman to begin training as a Warfare Office. Michael served in a variety of sea and shore appointments before being medically discharged. After leaving the service, Michael earned a BSc International Relations from the University of Plymouth and then moved to the United States where he now lives with his family.

Michael is also the grandson of Eric Evans, a WW2 Burma campaign veteran of the Royal Air Force, and the son of Commander Edward Evans, Royal Navy (ret’d). Both Eric and Edward’s accounts can also be found on the West Wales Veterans’ Archive in the National Library’s People’s Collection Wales.

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