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Letter date 5th Aug 1954 from George Bancroft to his Daughter Olga Davies (nee Bancroft) and Son in law John Davies and their daughter Joan. Also mentions May (Warrey; nee Bancroft) his other daughter and Cherrie (Warrey) his other grand daughter.
Olga Davies was my grandmother.

Letter is about his ill health and an appointment at Morriston Hospital for an X Ray.
George Bancroft spent his last 5 weeks leaving with his daughter Olga at Llanybydder before his death on 11th Oct 1954 two months after this letter.

Transcript :-

"Dear Olga and John also Joan
I hope these few lines will find you all in good health, I am sorry I cannot say that about myself but it will come, I had a good do with Dr Phillips last night, so he is sending me to Morriston Hospital for an X Ray, I asked him when I should hear from them he told me 2 or 3 days so I had better leave my holidays until after it is all over, I hope they will not be long, I am just the same I cannot eat any food, May and Family sends their love hoping to see you soon, Cherie is just going to a dance. Well Olga we have had one fine day, this weather is enough to get you down, rain rain and rain, I am sorry to disappoint you but when its over I shall be down, asked John if he will bring the bed for me I shall pay for his petrol May is also saying to bring the Costume as well.
This is all now hoping to see you soon, Dad"

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