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Dyddiad: 19 ?? 1916


Just a P C, hoping, you are all well as I am at present; many thanks for tobaco, & stamps; very glad, to have them; this is our nearest town; its looking a very big place is nt it & that is the field where we are training, we may [?sift] from, hear, this week, they are speaking about it, near Milford Haven; you can send to me the same for fear we, wont do, if we go, the letters will come after us; nes gartre yn [?for] hono ac yn nes, i Bob Owen; cefais, lythyr oddiwrth K. [?Owen], heddyw. Cofion Goreu, at Bawb
Mr. George. Thomas / Glanrafon / Rhydyclafdy / Pwllheli / Carnarvonshire NWales

Gina Miles, Pontypridd, a ddaeth â’r eitem hwn i sylw Prosiect Llongau-U 1914-18 ac a roddodd ganiatâd i ni ei rannu. Wnaeth hi etifeddu'r casgliad cardiau post hwn o'r teulu Thomas.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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Rhaid mewngofnodi i bostio sylw