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The tradesmen of the town have darkened their shops with the gloom of funeral solemnity. For so general a manifestation of feeling, creditable alike to him in whose honour and to whose memory it is made as to those who thus demonstrate their feeling in such expressions of honour and respect, the victim of Death's fatal dart must have deserved well of his fellow-townsmen. Mr. Lenox had, it was pretty, well known, suffered from indifferent health for some months past, but the news of his death fell with striking suddenness on the ears of the residents of the town. On the statement being first promulgated it was regarded as incredible, but unmistakable evidence afforded a confirmation of the report, and the sorrow and regret were general and profound.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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