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Dyddiad: 5 Mawrth 1915



At Swansea Police Court on Friday, Robert Brawn (43), a seaman, was charged that, being an alien enemy, he was found in a prohibited area, Swansea, having failed to register himself to the Alien Restriction Officer.

Detective-Sergt. Johnson said that at 11.40 a.m. on Thursday morning he saw Brawn in Mount-street. Witness asked him when he came to Swansea, and he replied that he came that morning from Manchester.

In reply to the question as to whether he had registered himself, Brawn said he had not. Further questioned by witness, he said he was a Swiss. Witness took him to the Police Station, and examined his papers. There was a sailor's discharge book and a seaman's union card, both of which gave the prisoner's name, and his place of birth as Switzerland. There were some certificates; amongst which was a Norwegian seaman's certificate, which gave his place of birth as Schievetz. There was also a registration form issued by the Newport Police on 29th September last, which stated that Brawn was a native of Sweden. Sergt. Johnson, after examining these papers said to Brawn: "You are a German, and all these books are false.

Brawn replied: "I am a Swiss, I tell you"

Sergt. Johnson aid to him: "All you say are lies. You are a German, and you were born in Dantzic. |

Brawn said: "How do you know? Who told you I was born in Dantzic.

When charged he replied: "The reason I did not do it was that if I told them I was a German, I would not have a ship.

The Chairman (to Brawn): There is no doubt you have been very deceiving. We are giving you the full penalty of 6 mouths' hard labour.

'Six Months for Alien.' The Cambria Daily Leader. 5 Maw. 1915. 5.

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