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Dyddiad: 11 Ionawr 1919
Presented to Swansea Corporation.
Lieut. Brooks, in charge of the ex-German submarine at Swansea, has presented one of the submarine lifebuoys, marked "Unterderseeboot [sic] U.B. 91," to Swansea, and it is now at the Guildhall. Lieut. Brooks speaks highly of the cordiality of the reception accorded him and his crew' at Swansea.
The submarine leaves Swansea on Thursday for Newport, after which it visits Port Talbot and Llanelly. Efforts are being made to get the submarine to return to Swansea after the local ports have been visited, and in this Lient. Brooks is heartily co-operating.
Suggested Further Stay.
It is suggested that the next visit should be for a month. On Tuesday evening the Mayor (Councillor Miles) is entertaining Lieut. Brooks, the other officers, and crew to dinner at the Metropole Hotel.
Large numbers of people visited the submarine on Sunday.
'"U" Boat's Lifebuoy.' South Wales Weekly Post. 11 Ion. 1919. 2.

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