
Cyn y rhyfel roedd Thomas Griffiths o Fangor (a anwyd ym 1881) yn gweithio fel saer maen. Fe gytunodd i wasanaethu yn y fyddin ym mis Tachwedd 1915, er na chafodd ei alw i wasanaethu tan 13 Tachwedd 1916. Gwasanaethodd gyda'r 250th Railway Company Royal Engineers, gan dreulio amser yn Ffrainc. Cafodd ei ryddhau o'r fyddin ar 2 Mai 1919. Mae ei ddyddiadur o 1917 mewn ffurf llythyr estynedig i'w wraig, Margaret. Dyma'r tudalennau sy'n adrodd ei hanes ym mis Mawrth. Adysgrif: 2.3.17 (Friday) The night passed rather quiet, little shelling. We tumbled out as usual 6.00. Breakfast at 6.30, boiled bacon, bread and tea. We nearly eat our daily rations of bread at this meal. The day we spend on the huts. It was bitterly cold and frosty. Dinner we had at 12.00, bully and the rest of the bread and thanks to your lovely butter as we have not had any margarine since Monday, then 1lb between six. The sun came out strong in the morning and there were about 20 aeroplanes above us at 3.00 pm. I was off duty until 6.00 pm. Dinner late we had at 4.30, roast beef and cabbage and potatoes and rice with figs. Shave, a wash and brush up ready for the night guard of which I was in charge. We fell in for inspection at 5.45 and started duty at 6.00 pm. Two hours on and two off of course. I was in the guard room all night. I managed to get a fire in the room so its warm in spite of the frost. The big guns are fairly shaking the country around. It's now just 11.00 pm and am sitting by our camp fire reading weekly post which I received tonight. Now I will leave you for a few hours. Goodnight it's nearly midnight now. 3.3.17 (Saturday) 4.00 am in the watch but night of guard duty is nearly over and nothing to report, but heavy gun fire throughout the night. It has been cold and frosty but thanks to the roasting fire I made we were warm. 6.00 am we were dismissed till 9.00 am. Then we were on for light duties today. Breakfast at 6.30, bacon, bread and tea. last night we had supper at 9.00 pm. Third of a 2lb loaf of bread between 4 men and about 1/2 lb of cheese each and tea, thanks to the orderly I did not do so bad. The ground is white with frost and so cold at 9.00 am. I reported to C.S.M. and was ordered to light duty that was camp military police parading around the huts and keeping the infantry out of the latrines. It's misty today and thaw sets in so we are ankle deep in mud. We are today issued with a second pair of boots so we can battle better with the muck. Mid day meal we had at 12.00, tea, cheese and small rations of bread we had left. The afternoon was a little brighter, no shell firing today. Dinner we had at 4.30, bully stew it was very good too. After that we went for a stroll as far as Combeaunetz at 7.00. The guns were terrible again. Our rations for tomorrow are a little better, loaf between 2 men, cheese and jam. So this endeth our Saturday. I may say ................... is dished out at 8.00 tonight, this we get twice a week tomorrow. 4.3.17 (Sunday) The night was cold but in spite of that I slept. There was a fearful bombardment on both sides. Three shells burst within 100 yards of our camp. The morning dawned bitterly cold and frosty. Breakfast at 6.30, bacon, tea and bread. Our task today was to put a huge water tank. we are to have water in the camp, but there is three weeks work to get it ready. The chaplain came for divine service at 12.00, but our Captain thought it was too cold for men to stand in the open. So it's cancelled until next Sunday. About 10.00 this morning the Germans sent over some gas, we were ordered to get our gas helmets ready at hand, but thank God none came our way. Dinner at 12.00, roast beef mocanchie potatoes, plenty of beef and good it was too. Next parade was for pay at 2.30. Then we were off for the day. Had my haircut and wash and shave. had clean water today. What a treat it was too. Tea we had at 4.15, tea, bread, cheese, apricot jam and sardines. Then we had a walk as far as the aerodrome to see them going up and landing them. We made for the YMCA. It's now close to 7.45 and no rations came. Can't get near it for the shells. No hope for breakfast so far. 5.3.17 (Monday) A night of heavy shelling shaking our huts. Snowing all night - in the morning there was 4 inches of it on the ground and so there was on us coming through the boards. My bed clothes were a mantle of white and my boots half full, so it was lively getting up. 6.30 we had breakfast, bacon, tea and bread. Third of a loaf and 1 1/2 iron biscuits and 3/4 tin of bully. Jam tin between six men and some cheese. No hot dinner today. We were on the water tank again today, very sloppy in the snow to work. Dinner at 12.00. The afternoon was very mild and the sun came through. Tea at 4.30, nothing much to eat I am sorry to say. There are some of our chaps charlie here already. That is lice on them. It's very quiet along the front today. Today our tobacco rations are dished weekly, 20 cigarettes, 1 oz of tobacco. I am off now to steal some straw for my bed, it's getting thin. Tonight Ruddle is on guard so am on my own this night. Rations tonight are on the short side, third of a loaf, jam, cheese as usual. Now I get to put my bed together. Had a nice lot of straw. There are no guns going tonight - it's usually the case when the aeroplanes have been up. Now I must wish you goodnight and try to rest without my mate. Freezing hard tonight. 6.3.17 (Tuesday) Last night sleeping alone. Was the coldest night in France for me, cold wind and frost and only 2 blankets, one under and one over and overcoat. How Ruddles lot were missed. Anyway am none the worse today.. Guns were quiet all night. Breakfast at 6.30, bacon, bread, tea and jam. Working on the tank in charge of infantry men cutting out foundations for concrete. Cold bitter wind blows from the north and plenty of muck. There is an awful mess on the floor of the hut after the snow. We have to walk back and forth through the part we sleep on. This morning my boots were wet through after last night and my feet were icy cold getting up so it took hours for my feet to get warm. Mid day meal was at 12.00, nothing left but cheese and jam. Afternoon sun warmed us up a bit. There is very heavy firing on today and the aeroplanes are very lively overhead. Dinner late we had at 4.30. Roast beef and plenty of it with potatoes and peas. Good dinner and I was so hungry all afternoon. A loving letter was waiting my return from work from my little girlie. Wash and shave and await rations for tomorrow which are short. Third of a loaf to a man, cheese and jam. Getting tired of former by now. My word the guns are shaking our camp tonight. Goodnight. 7.3.17 (Wednesday) Another night on my own. Ruddle did not return. He went away escorting three prisoners of Anglesey Engineers. So this was the coldest night since we landed in France. Up at 6.00, breakfast at 6.30, bacon, bread, cheese and tea. Today at 12.00 rest of bread and cheese and tea. Today and onwards we work until 4.30. Dinner at 5.00. Roast beef, potatoes, and mocanochie. It was very good too. This has been a bitter day - east wind - could not get warm at all. The guns are quiet, being very active all night. Rations for tomorrow are better, 1/2 a loaf to a man, cheese and jam. Quince this evening brought a bucket with holes in for a stove. It's against the rules to have a fire in the hut but we are chancing that. Now I will bid you goodnight and enter a very cold bed. 8.3.17 (Thursday) After a bitter cold night and a heavy fall of snow and guns rattling we were up at 6.00. Breakfast at 6.30, cold bacon and tea. Our day's work was on the tank. The wind is bitterly cold. We were working in our overcoats and what's left of our gloves. It's snowing all morning. Dinner at 12.00, bread, cheese and jam. After 1.00 the sun came out and so it was a little warmer then. The firing is quiet today. Day was over at 4.30 and dinner at 5.00. Bully stew. This time managed to wash the fourth. Our rations for tomorrow is down again, 3 in a loaf, no jam, having sardines tin between two for a change. Guns are quiet tonight. It's not so cold, wind changed tonight. Your parcel arrived on today's mail. Many thanks for same. Goodnight. 9.3.17 (Friday) This day dawns cold and frosty. The night has been a quiet one. No firing at all. Breakfast at 6.30, bacon, bread and tea. We started on the first half of the tank but there was too much frost for the concrete. Dinner at 12.00, bread, cheese, sardines and tea. In the afternoon we went plate laying at Basingcourt - there was a heavy snow storm. Our late dinner we had at 4.45, roast beef, tin peas and one potato and rice, figs and tea. The country is covered with a white mantle again. The rest of the evening we spend by the fireside camp fashion sitting on the floor. Our rations for tomorrow are third loaf, cheese, jam and tin sardines between three and some biscuits hard, as termed here "iron". It's still snowing. Goodnight 8.15 pm. 10.3.17 (Saturday) This night there was not a shell fired and this day the thaw has set in. Breakfast at 6.30, cold bacon, tea and bread. Our work was concreting for the water tank. We were up to our ankles in mud. Midday meal was at 12.00, sardines, biscuits and tea. The afternoon was a wet one. We worked until 4.40. Could not say there was a war on, no firing all day. Dinner at 5.00, beef stew and very good it was. Rations for tomorrow are better, two in a loaf and jam, cheese and sardines, two in a tin. We are also dished out with rum tonight and an extra blanket, now we have 3. The evening we are spending by our camp fire, so goodnight. 11.3.17 (Sunday) The divine day dawns wet and misty. We had a nights rest, no guns firing. Our breakfast was as usual 6.30, bacon, tea and bread. Parade at 7.15. We went again to our concrete tank. Again the day turned out bright and warm. At 10.30 the O.C. called my gang to assist in putting a French engine on the road on the Waslincourt Way. The Frenchmen that were with the engine never turned a hair to help us. Anyway we had it on at 12.30. Then we had our midday meal, and we had to work on till 4.30. No half day off today. Dinner we had at 5.00, roast beef and one potato each, peas and tea. Then a wash and the mail arrived and a letter from my dear one wanting advice re our future home which has been worrying me not a little lately trusting you will satisfy yourself, storing would be as there is a poor chance of my home coming this year but that would only worry you if I said so. But its the bitter truth little one as far as I can judge. It will be many a day before we shall be settled in our little home. Our rations for tomorrow are down again, three in a loaf, cheese and jam again and thirteen oranges between 17 men. Army again! The brightness of today brought in the aeroplanes in a flock and am sorry today two of our machines were brought down by the Germans. Big guns are quiet today. Now I am going to put a decent letter together for you. Goodnight little girlie. 12.3.17 (Monday) After another quiet night and no firing, but heavy rain throughout the night. We tumbled out at 6.15, bacon smoked, tea. Parade at 7.15 am. Ankle deep in mud and rain. We were employed all day on the water tank. Midday meal at 12.00. Thanks to bara haidd else I should be without any bread. The afternoon we got wet through and up to our knees in mud and water. There is no sheltering from the rain here. Our day was over at 4.30, dinner at 5.00, roast beef, cabbage and 5 potatoes but regret to say they were bad ones. All potatoes we get now are not eatable. We throw them all away more in pity. The evening we pass by the fireside and try and dry for the morrow. Its a poor chance of drying when 17 men are around a small fire. I cannot find a chance nor means to warm some water to wash my clothes yet changed them fortnight yesterday. Now tomorrow's rations are dished out. Three in a loaf and that crummy cheese and jam and margarine. Poor hope for the morrow. Now goodnight once again. 13.3.17 (Tuesday) 9.30 last night informed to start on the tank at 5.30 am and work until 6.30 am. Among them am I. We had a quiet night, no firing. We tumbled out at 5.00 am, it was still dark. We paddled through the mud to the knees towards our tank and had breakfast at 6.30, bacon tea and bread. Half an hour break and kept on until mid-day, then we had an hour off but alas nothing to eat but thanks again for your bara haidd. The afternoon was a little brighter and dried the mud a little. Dinner was at 4.45, stew beef and no potatoes, rice pudding and no sugar in it. Restarted work at 5.15 pm, kept on until 6.30, it was dark then. So our nights are short ones when you wash and brush up it was 7.20 and no chance to write you this week's chronicle. Week ending 2.3.17 arrived today's mail. Our rations for tomorrow are no better, third of a loaf, iron rations and tin of bully beef between two men and 1 1/2 biscuits, cheese and tin of sardines each. So little girl I must fall on your bara haidd or feel uncomfortable. Now dearie I will try and write you a line and finish it in my dinner hour tomorrow so goodnight 8.15 pm. 14.3.17 (Wednesday) Another quiet night and no shell firing at all but rain poured throughout the night and am pleased to say that its warmer at nights in bed now when the frost has gone. We got up and started our daily toil at 5.30 in pouring rain, wet feet in going across field to start with. Breakfast at 6.45, boiled bacon, tea and eat nearly all our bread which is to make us three meals. After this half an hour break, we start again - still raining. Dinner at 12.00 till 1.00, we are almost wet through now, but thanks the weather brightens a little at 2.00. I am sorry to say my hands are chopping and so dirty not being able to wash them properly they never was in such a state neither was. Our tank are working hard this week and long hours and little or no food so things are indeed rather in a bad way. Tea time was at 4.45 till 5.00. We had some oxo and that you could not drink for pepper in it, it was awful, had to throw it away. We had nothing to eat with it. We resumed work in pouring rain, but thank God darkness came on at 6. 30 and our long wet miserable day came to an end. had a wash but too tired to shave. Our rations for tomorrow are third of s loaf, cheese and jam. If we are overtaken by illness there will be an outside chance of pulling through. I have come to the conclusion that the reason why there are so many deaths here, where ever an hospital there is a large cemetery close and not of those dying from wounds the infantry and those in the trenches are much worse off than we are they get nothing but iron rations. Poor fellows. Now I must leave and try and dry my socks and other things for tomorrow. There is a chance, the boys are playing cards and around the fire is vacant. Then to bed and get ready for 5.00am and another long and hard day. Goodnight lovie. Thursday 15.3.17 The night passed quiet, no firing but heavy rain. We turned up at 5.00 and commenced our work at 5.30, up to our ankles in mud and bitter cold wind blowing. Breakfast at 7.45, bacon , tea and bread. After that break. Cold dry wind and the sun broke through at 9.00 and dry the ground a bit. There is heavy shell firing on today. Last night two divisions of 80,000 men went over the top and there are thousands of wounded in hospitals and are full. We had an hour dinner cheese, bread and tea, nearly eat our bread on first meal. When we resumed work the sun brightly shone and aeroplanes were like a flock of birds in the air and guns are going all day. Tea we had at 4.45, half an hour and worked on till 6.30. had first wash tonight and a shave. Rations are tomorrow, third of a loaf, no jam no butter, cheese again. 7.45 I am writing this with thoughts all your way, am sitting on the floor - candle on a nail behind me and looking forward to copy these lines at Trefriw where I trust we can spend 10 days or so when this awful time of parting and hardship are over. The guns are thundering away tonight. our b ys advanced last night at a great loss. Goodnight wifey mine. To my dear Wife. A few lines of life in France. Sunday 18.3.17 Pay day 5 francs. Commence work in the morning at 5.30 erecting a water tank in what they call the Combreunetz Yard. The morning was cold. We had some breakfast at 6.45, cold bacon, tea and bread and so little of the latter. The sun came out at 11.00 then it was a bit warmer. Dinner we had at 12.30, bully stew. No divine service today again., how it makes one long for home , these holy days do, but one must bare all and trust in God for better days. There is no sign of the war today. No guns thundering. tea we had at 4.30, hard biscuits and cheese. Then we worked on till 8.00 with hand lights. pay parade at 8.15, then rations, Half a loaf of bread tomorrow and the usual cheese and jam. Then there was a rush to put bed down before lights out, so goodnight lovie no time for a letter to you these days. Tuesday (!) 19.3.17 After a night of heavy bombardment we are active at 5.30 on the tank. The day is dry and very windy. We had a good breakfast at 6.45. The country around is stirring today. One of our platoons has gone towards Arras way. They say the Germans have retreated 15 miles and we are all under orders to move at an hour's notice. Thousands of troops are passing our camp today, aeroplanes were lively early this morning. Midday meal we had 12.00 till 1.00, bread, cheese and tea. Then afterwards we had a heavy gale of wind. We went in for dinner at 4.30, bully stew and tea. By then it was pouring with rain and windy. By 6.30 we were dripping wet. rations down for tomorrow, third of a loaf, cheese and jam. We are under a moments notice to leave for Arras worse luck, we are very comfy in this camp now. There is no time to write a decent letter to you these days. Goodnight love. Tuesday 20.3.17 Rain poured all nigh long and at 5.30 we turned out in it and blowing a gale too. We must stick it here. Breakfast at 6.45, bacon and tea. Rain by this time had turned into a snow storm. 12.00 my day break, small portion of bread left, tea and cheese. The weather is better by now, the wind is cold and dry. The advance of ours has made the guns to sound miles away. Afternoon wet and miserable and cold. Our day thank God is over at 4.00, bully stew at 5.00 and pint of tea. We are dished out with kit bags today so our move is at hand now. Our rations for tomorrow are down lower, third of a loaf for three meals, no hot dinner, cold bully three tins for four men, tin of jam for 6 men. Heavy firing on this evening on Arras front. What joy to see this awful life over. Nobody will be more pleased than us soldiers who have all the hardships of it. Wednesday 21.3.17 Terrible gun firing throughout night. Today we get up 6.15, breakfast 6.30, bacon, bread and tea - nearle eat all this meal. Parade 7.15. I am sent to fit concrete pipes to Waslincourt Station, had biscuits and tea there and brought some with me for tea or I don't know how I should feel by now only for them I'm pleased to say. There is a din all along the line, the guns are something awful today. The morning is cold and snowing but in the afternoon the sun came out. I arrived in camp at 4.15 and my officer saw me and asked me to move his hut with 6 men. So I had to work till 5.45. I am a fancy with this officer, he is second in command here. Rations tomorrow - 1/2 a loaf, cheese and jam. Tonight rum is dished out, my word you need it too, goodnight dearie. Thursday 22.3.17 The guns were something awful all night on the Arras front. 60 of our men are going to Arras at 5.00 a.m. the huts and all so we are only waiting to follow. Was got out of bed at 6.15, its snowing heavy and so cold. For breakfast bacon, tea. Today we are at the camp concreting water column, midday meal at 12 .00 till 12.30. Snowing all day and so cold, ankle deep in mud and snow. Dinner at 5.00, bully beef stew and tea. I thought of washing my underclothes tonight, but its to wet to make a fire. Its a month since I changed and no chance to wash them yet. Well lovie we are in the midst of war now and may God pull me through and rest me in your arms again safe. Rations are dished out for tomorrow and are third loaf, no jam nor cheese. Another bad day in front of us tomorrow so goodnight love how I long for home and its comforts. Friday 23.3.17 Heavy gun firing all night on Arras, was also a heavy fall of snow and a bitter cold morn. Usual breakfast at 6.30 bacon cold, bread. We eat midday meal sharing tea. My work is today in charge of chain diggers. There are stream of troops passing us today, 40,000 in all, but not a face there I know. Dinner we had between 12.00 and 12.30, small crust and potted pork & cocoa. The afternoon is sunny but cold wind. Dinner bully stew, rice and figs. Then its my washing day. I manage to find a biscuit tin to boil them on a camp fire, so there is one load came off my mind. Rations for tomorrow are three in a loaf, jam and cheese and iron biscuits. So its a hard fare again. We are getting quite used to it by now but it will tell on us in time. Send green envelope home tonight. Goodnight dear one. Saturday 24.3.17 Another cold and frosty night has passed away and bitter cold morning dawns on us in France again. 6.30 bacon and tea was served, our work was on pipe laying in camp. Dinner at 12.00, tea and crust biscuit. Afternoon was sunny. A German Taube dropped a bomb on Warlincourt this morn but did no damage. They say at home that our soldiers march to the trenches singing, no such thing. I have seen thousands going by but all are bent heads with sullen looks in their eyes. Dinner we had at 5.00 bully stew and tea. Then I washed a couple of towels and socks. So am on the clean side now for a while. A parcel came from Nell today, cakes most acceptable. Rations are down for tomorrow one third of a loaf and usual. Goodnight lovie 8.30 p.m. Sunday 25.3.17 Summer time 1 hour. Cold and bitter night and heavy firing. This morn we are on parade 6.00 a.m., this is 5.00 a.m. in the old time. Loading some more huts for Beaumetz Arras front where another platoon of ours has gone. Breakfast at 7.15, bacon and tea. Work stars on pipe track at 7.45. Dinner at 12.30, hot bully stew again. The guns are fairly shaking us today, a beautiful sunny day and many aeroplanes flying. No devine service again today, only work here now. This after noon was bright and sunny and thaw set in so we are ankle deep in mud and working in a pipe drain so we are covered with mud. Our day is over at 4.00p.m. Tea at 4.30, then I finished my letter to you and now we are going for a walk. We can go 2 miles radius of camp. Rations - third of a loaf, jam and cheese and iron biscuits. We had a lovely ramble but plenty of mud. Now dearie goodnight. Monday 26.3.17 Pouring with rain all night and when we started on our day we were greeted with a downpour. 6.30 - bacon, tea and bread. We were dished out with oil skin coats. Mid day meal 12.00 to 12.30, iron biscuits and cheese, tea. Still raining and cold. Our shoes, socks and putties were dripping wet from our oil coats. I was never so glad to see a day coming to a close as I did today. So tonight we are busy trying to dry our putties. For dinner we had at 5.00, stew, bully and preserved potatoes, tea. I'm glad to say rations for tomorrow is better, 1/2 loaf, jam and an orange a man. It's now 7.30 and stormy wind and rain and makes one think of the old armchair and loving wife in the rocker on the opposite side. Tuesday 27.3.17 Another night of heavy firing and frost. We are up usual time - bacon and tae at 6.30 a.m. Toil is cementing around tank, its a wet and cold day, heavy snow mid day. Meal at 12.00, plenty of muck about. Dinner we had at 5.00, peas, roast beef and tea. The evening I spend by the fireside writing and drying my things. Rations for tomorrow are 1/2 loaf, jam and cheese. Wednesday 28.3.17 8th. Heavy night of firing and a frosty morn. Cold bacon and tea. Today I am sent with plate layers 2 miles away. Its a beautiful sunny day and there are some infantry men with us and they tell some pitiful tales of trench life and we went to a cafe for coffee. 4d for a small wine glassful. Got back to camp at 4.30, dinner at 5.00, roast beef no vegetables. Rice and figs after, no tea. Ration for tomorrow are third of a loaf, cheese and jam. Also rum is dished out tonight. The evening am passing in writing to you. Goodnight dearie. Thursday 29.3.17 Pouring rain throughout the night, also gun firing. Breakfast 6.30, boiled bacon and tea. Our daily toil was digging a drain. rain pouring all day. We were wet through and ankle deep in mud. Mid day meal at 12.00 till 12.30. Still rain coming down at 4.30, our day was over thank God. Tonight am trying to dry my things. Dinner at 5.00, roast beef and peas. Rations for tomorrow are third of a loaf, no jam, cheese. Goodnight little one. Friday 30.3.17 Pouring rain all night. Guns were quiet. Bacon and tea 6.30. Parade at 7.15 in blinding snow and it rained heavy till 2.00 p.m. then a cold bitter wind. We are again over our boots in water and muck in drains. Dinner at 5.00, roast beef and peas, rice and figs. Ruddles is on guards so shall miss hm and his blankets tonight. Tomorrow night is my turn for guard. Tonight am spending by camp fire. Rations for tomorrow are third loaf and biscuits, cheese and jam tin for five. You would not think there was a war on today. Now dearie I must kiss you goodnight after an evening with my common prayer book past most pleasant. Saturday 31.3.17 No gun firing. The bed was cold towards the morning without my bed mate. Bacon and tea at 6.30. Our work was clearing tools that are laying about camp. The weather is bitterly cold, but dry. Mid day meal at 12.00. At 3.00 p.m. I went to guard room to put the guard through it for 6.00 p.m. Rain came down in torrent and thunder and lightning. Dinner at 4.45, roast beef & stew bully no vegetables no potatoes. In fact we have not seen any of the latter for many days. 5.45 its still pouring. Anyway must go and mount he guard in pouring rain. It the cleared up beautiful. 9.00 p.m. we had supper - broken biscuits and tea also rum. The night was quiet and moonlight, no firing going on tonight. Its now 12.00 p.m. and I intend to steal an hour's sleep. There is a long train of motor tanks this station going towards the firing line. The night was uneventful, very quiet, heavy rain and at 6.00 a.m. came off duty till 9.00.

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