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Criccieth - Gwenni went to Pwllheli Fair.

Traditional nursery rhyme translated from Welsh

Gwenni went to Pwllheli Fair she wanted a earthen bowl;
she gave six shillings for it which at home cost two and a ha’penny.
Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr, this was big trouble for Gwen.

In the morning, Gwenno went to milk, six shilling worth in her hand;
the cow gave a slap of her tail until the six shillings was all in pieces.
Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr, this was big trouble for Gwen.

Gwenno went one morning to wash, she wanted clean clothes; whilst Gwen fetched the soap the clothes went down the river. Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr, this was big trouble for Gwen

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