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Tudalen 1:
[top right] Page 24
_________Document No. __ [blank]

Monmouth Decr 6th ' 39

Having had the the honour
of doing business on your account,
and every satisfaction being given
to your Agent at the time.
induces me to take the liberty of
writing to you. My object is
to beg the favour of your notice
when you send your witnesses
up to Monmouth at the Commission
and should you think proper of
sending me a part of them, I will
do all in my power with regard

Tudalen 2:
to comfort and satisfaction
May I beg the favour of a
few lines

You will greatly oblige

Your Humble Servt

J Bowyer Jones

Barley Mow [Monmouth]

Tudalen 3:
Monmouth Decr 1839

J. Bowyer Jones

Barley Mow

DE 7

[addressed to]

Phelps Esqr




[with red seal mark]
[bottom centre] Pd
[bottom right] 1005

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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Rhaid mewngofnodi i bostio sylw