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Tudalen 1:

Newport, 5th of December, 1839

You are hereby required to attend before her Majesty's
Judges of Assize, at the Town Hall, Monmouth, on

Tuesday 31st Dec[embe]r Instant at 10 o'clock on the
forenoon, as a Witness on behalf of our Sovereign Lady the
Queen, according to your Recognizance, or you will forfeit ‚£100.
I am,
Yours obediently,

Simon Leonard

Hanbury Arms
Pont Aberbeeg

Newport Public Reference Libraries

Tudalen 2:
Mr Simon Leonard
Hanbury Arms
Pont Aberbeeg

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

Sylwadau (0)

Rhaid mewngofnodi i bostio sylw