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Tudalen 1:
Regi vsFrost
The Information of -
Esther Pugh wife of Richd
Pugh of Blackwood Innkeeper
My Husband keeps the Coach & Horses
States ^ I know Mr John
Frost of Newport- I have seen
him about 3 times- I should
know him again. He was
at our House on Friday before
the Riots at Newport. He
came on foot to our House
no one with him-: [?]
He came there to breakfast
about 9 O'clock in the mo-ing
He had breakfast: He staid
till about 1/2 past 4 in the afternoon.
He went out and came in
several times in the day
Mr Zephaniah Williams was
there with him they took tea
together. There were several calling
in and out I don't know who

[left margin:]
[~line 6] John Frost
[~line 19] Z. Williams

Tudalen 2:
they were. Zephaniah came on
foot - They left about 5 o'clock they
did not say where they were
going - I never saw W Wiliams
but once before- I should think
it was two Months- There was
a Lodge kept at my House.
I never heard them call it a Chartist
Lodge. There was no meeting
when Frost called before
I have never seen him since-
My Husband was at home
when Frost was there - He
is not at home this present
time- He left home 3 weeks
next Monday. He said he
was going to see his Brother
he told me so in _[rn]
^ __the same Mo- ing. His Brother
lives in Staffordshire - I do
not know where - I have
not heard from my Husband
since. I was at home
in the Bar Sunday afternoon
3rd Novr my Husband was

[left margin]
[line 10:] Frost

Tudalen 3:
at home - My Husband went
out about 7 O'clock and came
back about 10 a little before.
He did not say where he had
been to - My Husband was
____________all day
at home [?] ^Monday
I never saw any Arms bro- t
into the House. I do not know
who was the Secretary I did
not hear anything said about
the Chartists rising Sunday
night except a few passing
down- I did not know there
was to be a rising that night
I never ^ [*]Frost or Z. Williams
say anything about the
Chartists- I do not know young
Frost I never saw him
I have only spoken to three
persons since I have been down
here - I was brought down
here as a Witness for the Crown
The persons I saw since were
Jno Batten's girl Ann Perkin's

[* looks like W... but
Mr might be intended]

Tudalen 4:
He asked her where my Sister
was my Sister is Beachem
the Wife of Beachem who is
in Custody. I saw John Williams's
Wife I asked her if her Husband
was got off. I said nothing
more- I saw a gentleman
in the passage of this House
who asked me if [?] What
brought me down I said
I did not know I swear
that is all the conversation
I had with the gentleman
I should know him again

I know Roger Davies Shopkeeper of Blackwood I know
William Davies his Son I did not see him with
Frost and Z. Williams at my House the Friday
before the Riots I do not recollect seeing Wm Davies
before then he had been from home ill with his mother
I will swear I did not see Wm Davies at my House
with Mr Frost or Z. Williams
the week before the Riots
I saw Wm Davies going by
our House on Horseback
on Monday the Day of the Newport [?] R[iot]
between 11 & 12 ^ He was going
down the Tram Road It was
not a very large or a very small
Horse he rode. He was not
going very fast I don't know
how he was dressed. I have
not seen him since

___________ The mark of
___________Esther Pugh

[indented left]
Taken on Oath this
30th day of November
1839 Before us
her Majesty's Justices
of the Peace for the
County of Monmouth
__ Octavius Morgan
[overwritten ?xxxxx]

[left margin] -
[lines 6-10]
vs Frost
William Jones & o-rs /
Esther Pugh

Roger Davies
Wm Davies

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