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James Morgan

and Jones tell them that every Man had a right to carry

Arms - In consequence of something I heard I left my

work and came home on last Saturday week (x) I got

home at Pillgwenlly about 12 o'Clock at night - After I

got to Pillgwenlly I came up to the Town of Newport

I saw a person of the name of Jenkin Morgan at

Newport he lives at Pillgwenlly - he told me he was a

Chartist - I have met him at some of the Chartist Lodges

he asked me then how the Chartists got on up on the

Hills - I said they were more quiet than what they had

been - he said he was in wonder at that - I asked him

if there was anything going forwards - he said it was - he

refused then to tell me what it was was going on - I

told him things were going on very uneasy on the Hills

and for God's sake to tell me how it was going on

down here - he told me it was no use my going

up to the Hills on Monday as there would be no

work going on there - I saw him again on the next

day, Sunday the 3rd. November - he came to my

House at 11 o'Clock that night - I was not in

Bed - he said he was himself a Captain over ten

Men he said to me - "you are my Man" - He told me

John Frost was on the Hills - that he was coming

down with thousands of Men to attack the Soldiers

he was coming down that night - he said the Charter

would be the Law of Newport on Monday morning and

that it would be the Law of the Land on Monday

morning before day light - they were to be down at two

o'Clock - he told me if I joined him I would be in

no danger because Mr. Frost and his Men would attack the

Soldiers - I then went with him and several other Men

to the outskirts of the Town, and the other side of

Newport Bridge - we was told there was Powder at

Crossfield's Warehouse and I said his Powder was used

to be at Pill - We found no Powder - I saw no powder

we was in the field - He said the things were to

[in left margin:]
(x) 2d. Novr.

Jenkin Morgan

attack soldiers

Jenkin Morgan

attack Soldiers

Went to look after Powder


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