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15 [In top right corner of page]

Special Commission
held at Monmouth the 10th
December & adjourned to the
31 December 1839 -

The Queen

- v -

John Gilby

Making Pikes

Brief for the Prosecution


For conspiring on 1st October and other days
at St Woolos with divers persons to raise Insurrections
&c & to obstruct the due execution of the Law & to procure
Arms for more effectivally carrying the said Conspiracy
into effect and in furtherance of said Conspiracy
making divers pikes and delivering them to divers
persons for the purpose of being used in effecting
said Conspiracy

2nd Count Charges Prisoner with procuring & making
pikes & delivering them to divers persons for the more
effectually raising insurrections & obstructing the Laws
&c agtthe peace &c

1 [inside a spiral at bottom centre of page]

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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Rhaid mewngofnodi i bostio sylw