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Mae Mark Burton yn dwyn i gof carcas Môr-grwban lledraidd yn cael ei olchi i'r lan yn yr Hafan Gogleddol ar Ynys Sgomer yn 2007.

Dyma ei atgofion:

"As I remember it the carcass washed into North Haven – we then transferred it to the beach – in case a museum wanted it. In the end I think it was just released back out to sea to feed the birds.

I have no photos of the turtle – it was dead and very decayed – and didn’t go down as a biological record.

Paul Kay was the photographer/video camera man on the day – he was contracted in – I guess he has the rights to all the shots taken on the day.

I do remember a shag desperately diving underneath and when Paul got in the water he saw the 2 Ramors fish stuck to the carcass - The shags were going mad trying to catch them!"

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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