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Mae Lyra yn dwyn i gof gweld dolffiniaid o'r clogwyni yn Rhosili, a hynny ar ddiwrnod llawn smwc law ym mis Medi 2017.

Dyma'r atgofion sydd ganddi:

“We went to Rhossili, South Wales (Gower) for a day out in September 2017. It was a quiet day, rather cool and cloudy all day long. At some point it was even drizzling!

So went for the cliffs instead of the beach. As we were crossing over to the far side (towards the monks building) we noticed dark spots on sea moving steadily towards the cliffs. Then they jumped! At first we thought they were big birds, but when they started to jump we were amazed to discover that they were dolphins instead!!

We were told by regular walkers that dolphins appear in the Rhossili Bay quite often. We were very lucky to see them!”

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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