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Dearest Lucy
Thank you so much for the splendid cake – it reached me last night on reaching billets after a wearying period up yonder – awful time!! The joy of eating it is to come.
What a wretched month for June! The trenches have been flowing with water and horribly cold has it been. For no wonder your hens have refused to lay – I should love to see how the little ones are growing and the feathery tiny things that were to be ducks .
Leave has temporarily been checked, so mine recedes as long as it continues. Have you noticed any growth in the creeper? This summer should enhance its spreading beauty and add, still yet, to the many present charms.
So much for my golden opportunities that come with rest, I have just heard my services are wanted elsewhere, so must hurriedly close.
Fondest love and kisses to dear Jackie
Your loving brother

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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Rhaid mewngofnodi i bostio sylw