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My dear Lillie
I have got the luck to be sent on a course of machine guns for 10 days so came down again yesterday. Enclosed cheque for £2, if in time to send with the cord for the valise enclose a cake of Wrights Coal tar soap, the canteens are out of it at present.
The card from Paymaster as received in your letter – how did you get hold of it? You seem to have done well with your American Bonds – it was a creditable transaction.
Will you write to C.S.S.P. Soc. and ask them to transfer £5 from my a/c to yours, if they will do it. I will write them tomorrow and give them the necessary power. This, with another £5, will reduce my debt to you by one half. I have now written a letter for you to forward with your book. The other £5 I will give you later and pay to August on the full £20.
Rather in a hurry as I leave at 1 p.m.
Love to all
Yours lovingly

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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