SWANSEA JACK gan Arthur Cole

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Dyma gerdd gan Arthur Cole am gi enwog, Swansea Jack, a achubodd fywydau pobl yn Abertawe. Saesneg yn unig:


"Jack" a living legend, down Swansea way,

many lives saved, way back in the day.

A jet black retriever, a heart like a lion,

north dock his domain, rescuing the dying.

Will Thomas his master, caring and proud,

a faithful charge, with courage endowed.

The first life saved, a twelve year old boy,

a rescue un noticed, a family's joy.

A few weeks later, a rescue repeated,

witnessed by many, death again cheated.

"Jack" now a hero, championed by all,

twenty seven saved, then fate did befall.

"Jack's" ending tragic, for one, oh so brave,

poison, not water sending him to his grave.

"Jack's" memory lives on, that's God's accord

named dog of the century, his highest reward.

"Jack's" burial mound, on the prom can be found,

a fitting testament to a brave, faithful hound.

People of Swansea, will always look back,

to a man, all you get is "I'm a proud Swansea Jack"

Hawlfraint: Arthur Cole 2016 (86)
