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Mae'r llythyr hwn yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at yr ymosodiad diweddar ar fferm Gelliwernen, Llan-non, a'r cyfarfod ar Fynydd Sylen.

Disgrifiad gan Evan D. Jones:

'The recipient was mistaken as to there having been any complaint made about the soldiers during the time they were at the Edwards's. There was only a passing observation made as to their talking while Col. Love and the writer were at Lanon but not in his hearing. He was satisfied that no blame could attach to Capt. Scott or Chambers. Some difference of opinion might exist as to his taking the chair at Mynydd Sulen and he thought he had been imprudent in having done so. Though the meeting was one he would not have wished to have interfered with, yet as a magistrate Chambers might have found himself seriously compromised. At the same time, he acquitted him of any blame as regards intention for he was of the opinion that his motives were good, and that if, by that meeting having been held undisturbed, night meetings should be less frequent a great good would have been effected.'

Ffynhonnell: Evan D. Jones, 'A File of "Rebecca" Papers', Trafodion Cymdeithas Efrydu Hynafiaeth a Natur yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, Cyf. I (3 & 4), 1943 & 1944, 31-2.

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