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A letter from the National Federation of Music Societies Joint Allocation Committee to Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society, dated 25 August 1965. It informs the Society about the maximum financial support offered to them based on their application to the National Federation of Music Societies. The letter clearly stated the conditions to be met in order to continue to receive the payment as a support for a concert expenditure.

Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society was founded in 1937, as a special choir to supplement the Llandaff Cathedral choir in the performance of large-scale works on special occasions. It now has individual status, and is one of the longest established choirs in Wales. The founder, and first conductor, of the Society was Dr W H Gabb. The longest-serving conductors following Dr Gabb were Robert Joyce (1958-1974), and Dr Michael Smith (1974-1991). The Choir have given outstanding performances in Llandaff Cathedral, including charity concerts to raise funds for various charitable purposes. The choir members came from various parts of Cardiff, such as Ely, Riverside, and the Old Rectory care home in Wenvoe. There were 166 members recorded in the Society membership during the 1977-78 period.

Glamorgan Archives, DLCS/5

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