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Charge against Llangwm man, Thomas Palmer for unlawfully having certain public stores. The accused was remanded on bail until Saturday next.
August 2nd
Pembroke Dock Petty Sessions.
Re Thomas Palmer. Magistrates found no case to answer. The defendant was a highly respectable man of exemplary character.
August 9th
Llangwm children have collected the sum of £18.10.5d for the Red Cross Working Party. October 4th
Pembroke Rural District Council.
Llangwm Ferry Water Supply.
55 people living in Llangwm Ferry were without a water supply for 4 months of the year and had to fetch water from three quarters of a mile away. During the remainder of the year water was obtained from a fountain which was open to cattle and unfit for human consumption. It was stated that “if these few houses were supplied with water, the whole of the parish would also want to be supplied.” Burton Parish Council considered that the water supply was sufficient.
October 4th
Roose Sessions.
William Bryant and John Palmer, Fishermen, Guildford, fined 5s each for allowing their donkeys to stray onto the highway.
William Payne, shipwright, fined 7s 6d for riding bike without a front light. November 8th
Pte George Bryant (1st Gloucester Regiment) son
of Mr and Mrs John Bryant, Guildford, was wounded in right arm, side and neck by shrapnel on October 23rd. In a letter home he stated that
a silver cigarette case given to him by his brother was in his waistcoat pocket at the time and stopped a piece of shrapnel, very likely saving his life. November 22nd
Valuable service to Red Cross
The undermentioned was brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War for valuable service rendered – Miss E Morgan, Llangwm.
November 29th
West Wales Guardian
The painting is by David Rowlands, Military Artist, and depicts the 1/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment on the 19rd October 1918 at the Battle of the Selle.

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