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The Book of Sufferings
A collection of writings by children inspired by the suffering of the Quakers in Dolgellau in the Seventeenth Century.
Year 7 (13-14) Ysgol Y Gader and the Circuit September 13- July 2014.

This book forms a record of the remarkable year-long arts and education project led by the writer Sian Melangell-Dafydd and the staff of Theatr Felinfach, Ystrad Aeron.

We’ve included, and transcribed, all of the work we
had at the end of the project and if anyone’s work is missing it is simply that we did not have a copy of the work produced.

The project was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Young Roots programme and Arts Council Wales and took as its inspiration the original
texts of the “Collection of Sufferings of the Quakers” collected by Joseph Besse and published in 1732.

Without the support of both HLF and ACW the
project would never have taken place – we’re incredibly grateful.

We’re also immensely grateful to all the Year 7 students and the staff of Ysgol Y Gader, Dolgellau – a wonderful school and a brave decision to agree
to work with us on what we hope was a very different and truly inspiring project.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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