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Y Drych December 21, 1893
[see Abstracts — Batch #2 for contents of entire article. A translation of the last paragraph is provided below:]
...The poor are increasing in our city every day, and there are surely throngs of families here suffering the want of their daily bread, and there has been no sign of reform. Our choirs are preparing energetically for the Christmas Dewi Sant Eisteddfod.

21 Dec 1893
Entertainment at Lawrenceville chapel with Mr. Savage, Mr. Hughes, Miss Williams, Miss Hilliah and Mr. William Williams. Death of Mrs. Ann Davies wife of Roser Davies on Dec. 1 in Homestead. Social at Fifth Ave. Welsh Congregational Church. Concert at South Side Chapel with Prof. Morris Stephens and pupils. Quarterly meeting of Welsh Sunday Schools with the Rev. T. C. Benjamin and Daniel A. Morgan. Death of Samuel Morgan Brownstown at 59 years of age. He was born in Raglan, North Wales, son of Samuel and Mary Morgan. Married 33 years ago to Margaret Evans of Nantyglo, South Wales. Death of Mrs. Joshua Jonesof Locust Street, Bluff. Marriage of Mr. Gomer Maddy and Miss Martha Evans, bot of Wilkinsburg, Pa. (with two stanza verse). The poor increasing everyday.

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