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Letter from the Youth Liaison Officer, Cardiff United Synagogue, to Simon Masters, Cardiff New (Reform) Synagogue, Cardiff, 24 May 1994. The letters suggests that as they are appionted Youth Laision officer for Cardiff United Synagogue and Youth Laision Officer for Cardiff New (now Reform) Synagogue that they work or liase together. The letters talks about putting together a Cardiff Youth Parents Association. The letter says that although they seem miles apart they want to work together for the children and youth.


JCR-UK: Jewish Communities & Records, Cardiff Reform Synagogue, Cardiff, Wales (2020) [accessed 14 March 2024]

JCR-UK: Jewish Communities & Records, Cardiff United Synagogue, Cardiff, Wales (2020) [accessed 14 March 2024]

Parry-Jones, Cai, The History of the Jewish Diaspora in Wales (doctoral thesis, Bangor University, 2014) [14 March 2024]

Depository: Glamorgan Archives.

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