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Minutes of the Senior Advisory Committee to the Youth Groups, Cardiff New (now Reform) Synagogue, Cardiff, 29 April 1982. It includes those present as Rabbi K. L. Cohen, Mrs A. Green, Mrs J. Hermer, Messrs W. Pollock, M. Green, N. Berg, L. Bernstein and S. Unger. It discusses the Youth Group, attendance of meetings with meetings usually being held on Saturday evenings at Moira Terrace. It discusses holding a general meeting to which all Jewish youth in Cardiff would be invited and electing a committee.


JCR-UK: Jewish Communities & Records, Cardiff Reform Synagogue, Cardiff, Wales (2020) [accessed 14 March 2024]

Parry-Jones, Cai, The History of the Jewish Diaspora in Wales (doctoral thesis, Bangor University, 2014) [14 March 2024]

Depository: Glamorgan Archives.

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