Gellir lawrlwytho cynnwys at ddefnydd anfasnachol, megis defnydd personol neu ar gyfer adnoddau addysgol.
Ar gyfer defnydd masnachol cysyllwch yn uniongyrchol gyda deilydd yr hawlfraint os gwelwch yn dda.
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A group posing for the photographer on the road to Llandawke with Fern Hill woods on the right. The level of the road has been raised significantly since this photo was taken.
The Lacques (pronounced "lakes") & Water St. Laugharne have a network of water courses, several of which are "lakes". The word is middle English for waterway or stream and so was probably introduced by the Norman invaders. This spelling is confusing as it appears to be French, whereas at "Mackerel Lake" and "Ewe Lake" (streams), a more traditional spelling is used. These two and others flow into the larger stream, The Lacques, from Hugdon. Both "Mackerel" and "Ewe" are corruptions of the names of two Norman knights; Hugh, as in Hugh's Down or Hugdon, and Mackerelle.
Until the early twentieth century when it was culverted, the water flowed on to the Grist in open channels where it joined with water diverted to power the Mill.

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