Gellir lawrlwytho cynnwys at ddefnydd anfasnachol, megis defnydd personol neu ar gyfer adnoddau addysgol.
Ar gyfer defnydd masnachol cysyllwch yn uniongyrchol gyda deilydd yr hawlfraint os gwelwch yn dda.
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There has been a ferry across the Taf probably since Medieval times but it was first documented in 1592 when it was situated further upstream. The ferry house, and probably an inn, were built around the middle of the nineteenth century and run by the Morgan (1850) and later the Roberts (1892) families. For people who needed to summon the ferryman from the Llansteffan side, there was a Bell House, the remains of which are still visible.
The building was demolished around the turn of the century, c2000.

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