Gellir lawrlwytho cynnwys at ddefnydd anfasnachol, megis defnydd personol neu ar gyfer adnoddau addysgol.
Ar gyfer defnydd masnachol cysyllwch yn uniongyrchol gyda deilydd yr hawlfraint os gwelwch yn dda.
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A photograph titled "Edith Williams, schoolmistress" from the collection of late Gwladys Roberts, former teacher at Glyndyfrdwy primary school.
1881/91 Census records show that Mary Edith Williams grew up in Caernarfon (12 Thomas St & 22 Dinorwic St).
In the 1901 records she was working at the council school, Glyndyfrdwy as a Teacher/Infants mistress, living in "Glyndwr", Glyndyfrdwy.
Later shown living at Bryn Ddol with the Davies family in 1901.

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