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Rhannodd Hazel Roberts y ffotograffau hyn gyda ni, a ddywedodd:
"Arthur Smith, my Great Grandfather, came from Bedfordshire as a coachman for Captin F G Courthope Mancel Morgan. 1868-1937, previously governor of Dartmore prison, who was returning to his family home Plas Coed Mor Anglesey, close to the Britannia Bridge, where the Lodge still stands with a grand white fence just before the slip road onto the bridge.

The Morgan family graves are on Church Island and are recognised by the white Angel looking out towards the Britannia Bridge. FG Couthorp Mancel Morgan, who employed Arthur Smith, is buried at St Mary's Church Yard Llanfairpwllgwyngyll.

Arthur married a local girl named Hannah Roberts, whose family lived at Tan Twr the Column Cottage. They lived at the coachman cottage Plas Coed Mor for sixty-six years. Arthur was a coachman for the Morgan Family for 58 years, in charge of 4 horses and six carriages.

He died in 1963 at the age of 96 at Plas Coed Mor, twelve months after his beloved wife Hannah, and laid to rest at St Mary's Church Llanfairpwllgwyngyll."

Llun 1-2: Plas Coed Mor
Llun 3: "Arthur Smith in his coachman uniform, standing outside the feed house in the courtyard where his cottage stood with the coachhouse, stables harness room and feed house."
Llun 4: "Arthur Smith outside Plas Coed Mor."
Llun 5: "Arthur with his coach and horse."
LLun 6: "Arthur is driving a new form of transport! With Hannah in the passenger seat."
Llun 7: "Arthur pulling Mrs Morgan in her bath chair and Hannah pushing. The lady walking behind is one of their daughters, Emily May; they are walking home from Church."
Llun 8: "Arthur and Hannah on their Dimond wedding anniversary."

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