Gellir lawrlwytho cynnwys at ddefnydd anfasnachol, megis defnydd personol neu ar gyfer adnoddau addysgol.
Ar gyfer defnydd masnachol cysyllwch yn uniongyrchol gyda deilydd yr hawlfraint os gwelwch yn dda.
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My grandfather, Ernest Rouse, his father and his five brothers operated William Rouse & Sons Marine Salvage Contractors from Hazelbeach, Pembrokeshire, c. 1911-1945. In 1926 they got the contract from Trinity House to do the regular "reliefs" (taking supplies and staff) for the Smalls, South Bishops, and Skokholm lighthouses. They also did special delivery trips like this one, bringing their small steamer close in and transporting loads up the cliff on a sort of heavy-duty breeches buoy apparatus that they trusted enough to ride on themselves.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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