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A letter from J. J. Neale, whose lifelong interest in natural history led him to obtain a 10 year lease of the island, assuming the role of guardian and island manager.

"[to] Haverfordwest Station,

I receive so many applications to visit Skomer, Grassholm and three other small adjacent Islands of which I am the Lesee, that I have been obliged to have this circular printed to explain the matter.

I leased these Islands for the express purpose of making them bird sanctuaries. In order to effectually carry this out I have been obliged to refuse permission to visit them from all parts of the country. This restriction was departed from on a few occasions with disastrous results. I have now, through strict enforcement, succeeded in inducing some rare birds to return, and others to increase.
Photography and Magazine articles, through calling attention to the nesting places, have been great obstacles to the privacy which most birds like, and not only myself but the Lessor has stipulated that the former shall not be allowed, and that no eggs shall be taken, or visitors permitted for a period of years. It is thus hoped to make the Islands still more attractive to the feathered visitors.

J. J. Neale"

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