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Fe wnaeth Cystadleuaeth 'Minecraft Eich Amgueddfa’ wahodd disgyblion ysgol 6-11 oed i ddefnyddio eu dychymyg i adeiladu eu hamgueddfa ddelfrydol o fewn Minecraft. Cafodd y gystadleuaeth ei lansio gan Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19, er mwyn annog creadigrwydd a sgiliau digidol tra oedd disgyblion yn dysgu o gartref.

Enillodd yr ymgais hon gan Emily Jones a Daisy Slater o ysgol St Robert’s Roman Catholic Primary School yr ail wobr yn y categori 'Ymgais Grŵp’. Llongyfarchiadau Emily a Daisy!

Disgrifiad o amgueddfa Emily a Daisy: Our Museum design consists of different exhibits including our space exhibit called 'Secrets of Space', our dinosaur exhibit (which includes a huge diplodocus) and a woolly mammoth exhibit. We researched key facts about the items shown in the exhibits including details on the different planets, the meaning of the name diplodocus and their length and weight and the height and weight of the woolly mammoth. This provides people visiting the museum with some key background facts as you travel through each exhibit. We have also included a Paintings Exhibit and there is also a Museum Shop and facilities, where you can buy memorabilia, snacks and drinks.

Oes gennych chi wybodaeth ychwanegol am yr eitem hon? Gadewch sylwad isod

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