The Legacy of the Sherman Brothers and Their...
Hidden in the Trees - Cardiff's Forgotten Landmark
Y Parchedig Bob Morgan, Trelái, Caerdydd, c.1962
Sailing Vessel on the River Ely at Penarth Docks
St. Fagan's Castle
St. Brides S Ely Rectory,
St. Brides Super Ely
Admodum Reverendus Guiliemus Fleetwood. S.T.P....
Mortarium Sherd Information
Mortarium Sherd
Report on 'International Year of Disabled...
Clipping from page 93 of the South Wales Echo...
Clipping of pages 20-21 from the South Wales...
Page three of the Western Mail & South Wales...
Page seven of the Western Mail & South Wales...
Photograph of volunteers preparing the site for...
Photograph taken during the opening ceremony of...
Photograph of volunteers from Toc H at Ely...
Letter from Robert Davies, founder of Voluntary...
Brochure for the formal opening ceremony of the...
Grangetown Adventure Playground Cardiff: An...
Ely Hospital: Mixed Wards, Laundry and Wheelchairs
Ely Hospital: Denise on the effect resettlement...
Ely Hospital: Shower cubicles
Ely Hospital: Gaynor on privacy, noise and...
Ely Hospital: Cockroaches, Rats and Wetting the...
Ely Hospital: Flashers, fire alarms and absconders