Dyddiad ymuno: 05/04/11
Special Constable's baton 1
John Frost's lead shot
John Frost's powder flask
John Frost pistol 3
John Frost pistol 2
John Frost pistol 1
Archif Rufeinig 'The Caerwent Exploration Fund'
Photograph of House 15 South
Caerwent Plan
Black and white Photograph of the Caerwent...
Photograph of House 3 South
Black and white photograph of Caerwent diggers
Black and white photograph of Roman pottery.
Black and white photograph of artefacts
Mars Lenus Ocelus Vellaunus inscription
Female figurine head
Roof finial
Gaming board, die and gaming counters
Amphora fragment
Glass vessel rim and pewter platter
Pottery jug and bowl
Bill hook, hoe and shears
Latch lifters
Jack plane and claw bar
Steelyard balance
Styli and seal boxes
Tweezers, nail cleaner, hair pin and probe /...
Penannular brooch
Animal Plate brooches