The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...
19th Century Baptisms in the Mons & Brecon...
Beulah Baptist Chapel, Little Newcastle and...
Latter Day Saint Families in mid-19th Century...
'Tales of Pengarnddu' - Life in a...
Latter Day Saint Missionary Journals: 1864-1903...
Baptism by immersion at Skenfrith, Monmouthshire
Dan Jones, Welshman: Taking the Gospel Home
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire: Site of first Latter...
Abergele: Site of first Latter Day Saints...
American University Professor becomes a Bard:...
Swansea-born Lizzie Thomas Edward sings for the...
Baptisms by immersion on Swansea Beach
Stooper Mill in Pembrokeshire: ‘Mormon’...
John Parry: Stone mason, Welshman, first...