To the Honble. and Revd. Francis Henry Egerton,...
Revd. John Nelson Goulty, Brighton
Revd. James Jones
Mr. Peter Collinson
Sir Francis Burdett Bart
Mr Kean, as Sir Giles Overreach
Revd. John Pillans Camberwell Green, London
Thomas Charles Archbishop of Canterbury
Revd. W. Ambrose Port Madoc
Richard Baxter
John Harrison Curtis Efqr. F.M.S aurist to his...
Revd. John Davies, Nantglyn, Denbighshire
Mat : Henry
Revd. John Findlay, Paisley
Revd. Joseph Collier
Late Revd. Joseph Slatterie Chatham
Sir Humphrey Davy
R.W. Dickson, M.D
Mr. Wm. Midgeley, preacher of the gospel
Revd. Micaiah Hill, Missionary to Berhampore
Sir Thomas Picton, K.C.B
Louise Renée, Duchess of Portsmouth
Revd. Daniel Anthony, B.A Tenby
Timothy Crowther aet.35
Revd. Samuel Evans, Zoar, Merthyr Tydfil, South...
Revd. Ephraim Evans, Canada
Revd. James Scott Missionary, Demerara
Lord Bridport, K.B
Wm. Williams