Ottawa 1977: Thanks
Ottawa 1977: publicity
Ottawa 1977: Group tour Schedule
Philadelphia 1978:publicity
Philadelphia 1964: financials
Philadelphia 1978: Letters to members
Philadelphia 1978: Programs
Philadelphia 1978: planning
Philadelphia1978: planning
Philadelphia1978: Historical Photograph
New York, 1975: Bicentennial Luncheon
New York, 1975: Gymanfa program
New York, 1975: Fund raising
New York, 1975 Financials
New York, 1975: Wales Week
WNGGA, site selection 1974
WNGGA nominations committee, 1974
Cleveland, Ohio 1974: Planning
Wilkes Barre, PA 1983: support for the bid to host
Wilkes Barre 1983: mailings/registration
Wilkes Barre 1983: Program booklet
Toronto 1982: Publicity
Toronto 1982: Mailings
Toronto 1973: Opinions
Toronto 1982: Group tour booking
Toronto 1982: hymnal shipping
Wilkes Barre 1983: Financial
San Francisco 1960: Head Table
Chicago 1962?: Financial